Ballard, Rochelle
Dynamic regularfoot surfer originally from the Hawaiian island of Kauai, world-ranked #2 in 2004, and generally regarded as the first great female tuberider. Born Rochelle Gordines in 1971, in the Los Angeles suburb of Montebello, she moved to Kauai with her family at age six months, and began surfing at 11, encouraged by neighbor and four-time world champion Margo Oberg. The tomboyish Gordines p...
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Rochelle BallardSubscribe to view
Rochelle Ballard, 2002. Photo: Art BrewerSubscribe to view
Rochelle Ballard (left) and Lisa AndersenSubscribe to view
Rochelle Ballard, 2001. Photo: Tom ServaisSubscribe to view
Rochelle Ballard, Teahupoo. Photo: Brian TeeterSubscribe to view
Rochelle Ballard, 1999. Photo: Tom ServaisSubscribe to view

Rochelle Ballard

Rochelle Ballard, 2002. Photo: Art Brewer

Rochelle Ballard (left) and Lisa Andersen

Rochelle Ballard, 2001. Photo: Tom Servais

Rochelle Ballard, Teahupoo. Photo: Brian Teeter

Rochelle Ballard, 1999. Photo: Tom Servais