Couture, Colin "Doc"
Surf contest organizer from Rhode Island; executive director of the Eastern Surfing Association (ESA) as well as president of the United States Surfing Federation (USSF) for most of the 1970s and '80s; described by Surfing magazine as "the political guru of amateur surfing competition." Couture was born (1943) and raised in Rhode Island; he received a doctorate in clinical psychology from Boston U...
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Colin Couture and ESA surfers, date unknownSubscribe to view
Colin CoutureSubscribe to view
Colin Couture, 1978Subscribe to view
Colin Couture (right) with Mike Oppenheimer, 1975Subscribe to view

Colin Couture and ESA surfers, date unknown

Colin Couture

Colin Couture, 1978

Colin Couture (right) with Mike Oppenheimer, 1975