Downing, George
Magisterial regularfoot surfer from Honolulu, Hawaii, often thought of as the first "complete" big-wave rider; winner of the Makaha International in 1954, 1961, and 1965; longtime competition director of the Quiksilver in Memory of Eddie Aikau event at Waimea Bay. Downing was born (1930) and raised in Honolulu, the son of a marine machinist, and began surfing Waikiki at age nine. In the latter ye...
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George DowningSubscribe to view
George Downing, 1965. Photo: Ron StonerSubscribe to view
George Downing, Waikiki, 1955Subscribe to view
George Downing, Makaha. Photo: Ron StonerSubscribe to view
George Downing, Makaha, 1950s. Photo: Walter HoffmanSubscribe to view
George Downing (right) and Wally Froiesth, Waikiki, around 1950. Photo: Clarence MakiSubscribe to view

George Downing

George Downing, 1965. Photo: Ron Stoner

George Downing, Waikiki, 1955

George Downing, Makaha. Photo: Ron Stoner

George Downing, Makaha, 1950s. Photo: Walter Hoffman

George Downing (right) and Wally Froiesth, Waikiki, around 1950. Photo: Clarence Maki