Evans, Bob
Protean surf world impresario from Sydney, Australia; surf filmmaker throughout the 1960s and early '70s; founder of the Australian Surfriders Association, and founder-publisher of Surfing World magazine; often called the "father of modern Australian surfing." Evans was born (1928) and raised in Manly Beach, began surfing as a young teenager, and by 1950 was one of the country's best wave-riders. ...
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Bob EvansSubscribe to view
Bob Evans, 1970Subscribe to view
Handbill for Bob Evans' Splashdown, 1969Subscribe to view
Debut issue of Bob Evans' "Surfing World"Subscribe to view
(L to R) Bob Evans, Midget Farrelly, Nat Young, 1965 World Championships, PeruSubscribe to view
Bob Evans, right, Manly Beach, around 1955. Photo: Ray LeightonSubscribe to view

Bob Evans

Bob Evans, 1970

Handbill for Bob Evans' Splashdown, 1969

Debut issue of Bob Evans' "Surfing World"

(L to R) Bob Evans, Midget Farrelly, Nat Young, 1965 World Championships, Peru

Bob Evans, right, Manly Beach, around 1955. Photo: Ray Leighton