Hovering, neutral-edged maneuver, where the surfer distributes his weight evenly across the center of the board and "floats" laterally across the whitewater—or on top of the curl as it pitches over—before dropping back down the wave face. Australia's Mark Sainsbury, 1986 world amateur champion, is often credited as the first to master the floater, but it was Cheyne Horan, also from Australia, and...
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Kelly Slater, Pipeline. Photo: Tom ServaisSubscribe to view
Mark SainsburySubscribe to view
Cheyne Horan, 1978. Photo: Leonard BradySubscribe to view
Dino Andino, Haleiwa, 1989. Photo: John Seaton CallahanSubscribe to view
Betet Merta, Bali, 2001Subscribe to view
Davey Smith, 1980. Photo: Greg HuglinSubscribe to view

Kelly Slater, Pipeline. Photo: Tom Servais

Mark Sainsbury

Cheyne Horan, 1978. Photo: Leonard Brady

Dino Andino, Haleiwa, 1989. Photo: John Seaton Callahan

Betet Merta, Bali, 2001

Davey Smith, 1980. Photo: Greg Huglin