mat surfing
Type of surfing performed on a soft, inflatable, rectangular surf mat; wildly popular in the 1950s, '60s and early '70s with weekend beachgoers as well as preteen surfers-in-training. "For decades," the Sydney Morning Herald noted in 2007, the surf mat "was a comforting part of the summer, an ingenious but simple device that helped generations of grommets grow confident enough in the waves to beco...
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Mat Surfing Blows UpSubscribe to view
Mat surfers at Bondi, 1940sSubscribe to view
Mat surfer, Sydney, 1965Subscribe to view
George Greenough, 1967. Photo: Paul WitzigSubscribe to view
California mat surfer, 1970sSubscribe to view
Mat surfing. Photo: Paul GrossSubscribe to view

Mat Surfing Blows Up

Mat surfers at Bondi, 1940s

Mat surfer, Sydney, 1965

George Greenough, 1967. Photo: Paul Witzig

California mat surfer, 1970s

Mat surfing. Photo: Paul Gross