McKinnon, Andrew
Energetic and perpetually upbeat surfer from Queensland's Gold Coast; a semifinalist in the 1972 World Surfing Championships; 1988 world amateur longboard champion; longtime surfing media figure; and chairman of the Gold Coast World Surfing Reserve advocacy group. McKinnon was born (1953) in Melbourne, Victoria, to a bookstore-manager father and milkbar-owning mother; at age seven he moved with h...
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Andrew McKinnonSubscribe to view
Andrew McKinnon, 1970Subscribe to view
Andrew McKinnon (right) and Michael Peterson, 1972Subscribe to view
Andrew McKinnon, Newcastle, 1971Subscribe to view
Andrew McKinnon, 1976. Photo: Jeff DivineSubscribe to view
Andrew McKinnon, left, 1969Subscribe to view

Andrew McKinnon

Andrew McKinnon, 1970

Andrew McKinnon (right) and Michael Peterson, 1972

Andrew McKinnon, Newcastle, 1971

Andrew McKinnon, 1976. Photo: Jeff Divine

Andrew McKinnon, left, 1969