shortboard revolution
Surfboard design phase lasting from roughly 1967 to 1970, when average board specs dropped from 9'6"by 22" and 26 pounds to 6'6" by 20" and 10 pounds; accompanied by an equally radical shift in wave-riding styles and techniques. Shortboard revolution details are complicated in places, with key figures still in disagreement as to who contributed what, but the accepted view is that the movement beg...
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1967: First Look at the Short SurfboardSubscribe to view
French Revolution: 1968Subscribe to view
Wayne Lynch, 1969. Photo: Rick ChanSubscribe to view
Dick Brewer. Photo: Drew KampionSubscribe to view
Donald Takayama, Santa Cruz, 1969. Photo: Brad BarrettSubscribe to view
George Greenough, Honolua Bay, 1967. Photo: John WitzigSubscribe to view

1967: First Look at the Short Surfboard

French Revolution: 1968

Wayne Lynch, 1969. Photo: Rick Chan

Dick Brewer. Photo: Drew Kampion

Donald Takayama, Santa Cruz, 1969. Photo: Brad Barrett

George Greenough, Honolua Bay, 1967. Photo: John Witzig