Enduring surf slang expression meaning excited, pleased, happy, thrilled. "Stoke" is an English adaptation of the 17th-century Dutch word stok, used to describe the rearrangement of logs in a fireplace in order to bring up the flames. California surfers began using the word in the early or mid-'50s, and it never went out of fashion. Variations include "stoker," "surf-stoked," "stoke-um," "stokabok...
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Stoked: The Very Short MovieSubscribe to view
Palos Verdes Surf Club, early 1940s. Photo: Doc BallSubscribe to view
Kelly Slater, around 1986Subscribe to view
Buttons Kaluhiokalani, Backdoor, late 1970s. Photo: Jeff HornbakerSubscribe to view
Hollister Ranch. Photo: Ron StonerSubscribe to view
Stephanie GilmoreSubscribe to view

Stoked: The Very Short Movie

Palos Verdes Surf Club, early 1940s. Photo: Doc Ball

Kelly Slater, around 1986

Buttons Kaluhiokalani, Backdoor, late 1970s. Photo: Jeff Hornbaker

Hollister Ranch. Photo: Ron Stoner

Stephanie Gilmore