religion and surfing
Religion played a significant role in the surfing lives of ancient Polynesians: tree trunks were prayed over before they were shaped into surfboards, surf-dedicated temples were built (suggesting that there was a god unique to surfing, although the deity's name remains unknown), waves were called forth with chants and prayers, and competing surfers always made offerings prior to entering the water...
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Richie Collins, 1988. Photo: Rob GilleySubscribe to view
Art by Rick Griffin, 1971Subscribe to view
Surfing magazine cover, 2008Subscribe to view
Rabbi Nachum ShifrenSubscribe to view
Pope Francis signs a surfboard, the Vatican, 2016Subscribe to view
Surfing Jesus tattoo, 2014Subscribe to view

Richie Collins, 1988. Photo: Rob Gilley

Art by Rick Griffin, 1971

Surfing magazine cover, 2008

Rabbi Nachum Shifren

Pope Francis signs a surfboard, the Vatican, 2016

Surfing Jesus tattoo, 2014