The Santa Barbara County Surf Club was formed in 1960, and about two years later the club made an agreement with Clinton Hollister whereby club members would have exclusive access to ride the inconsistent but beautiful waves at the Hollister Ranch. The SBCSC rules and by-laws were created at that time. The version below is likely from two or three years later, as the original annual dues were $25 and here the cost is $125. Similarly, the original SBCSC had 20 members, and by this time the group was forced to limit membership to "80 members, plus Honorary Members."
Surfboard maker Renny Yater would later say the Ranch deal was made because landowner Clinton Hollister wanted to protect his beachfront from being vandalized by "out-of-town" surfers. This may be true. But stewardship is pretty far down the list in the document below, and the club's mission statement is probably closer to the truth. This version has been slightly edited.
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The purpose of this Organization is to provide a special restricted surfing area within Santa Barbara County for its members, and be devoted to the enjoyment of surfing by the members of this Organization.
PRESIDENT: Reynolds Yater
Shaun Claffey
Jack McNally
Paul Douglas
John Bradbury
George Greenough
Danny Hazard
Mike Cundith
The following By-Laws were approved by the Board of Directors. These rules must be observed by all members to protect our privilege to use the Hollister Ranch Property.
1. All new members must be a resident of Santa Barbara County, unless they are Honorary Members.
2. Membership will be limited to 80 members, plus Honorary Members
3. A family membership plan is available for an additional $15. This plan includes the wife, and children under 16 years of age. They are allowed the same privileges when accompanied by their parent. Full-paid membership may be required by any person covered under the Family Plan, when said person becomes 16 years of age.
4. Honorary Membership may be conferred upon a person for meritorious service to the Club; and, on the consideration and approval of the Board of Directors.
5. Acceptance of new members have have a two-thirds approval vote by the Board of Directors
6. Dues are $125 for all members. They are due on the first of December and must be paid by the first of January.
7. The election of officers and Board of Directors will be during a meeting held In the month of February,
8. The officers elected must be 21 years old or older,
9. The Board of Directors will consist of the officers and seven (7) additional members.
10. No fires will be permitted on the Ranch at any time or at any place.
11. No guests allowed, except immediate family or girlfriend, if not allowed to surf.
12. All members will avoid going to Hollister Ranch with any special pass bearing non-member.
13. All members must leave the Ranch by 6 PM and may not return until after 6 AM the next day.
14. No member is allowed to build any type of structure on Ranch property for any purpose.
15. No member will drive beyond the San Augustine turnoff road for any reason.
16. The only access roads that can be used to gain entry to the beach are at Santa Anita, Ranch House, Garbage Dump (above Rights & Lefts), and San Augustine.
17. No members are allowed to the right of the road heading North on the Ranch for any reason. Members are allowed beach privileges only. No trespassing on any oil company properties.
18. All members should attemp to eject any person found trespassing on the property of the Hollister Ranch, and shall be obligated to give assistance to other members or guards in enforcing this rule.
19, Membership Cards are not to be loaned, photostated, transferred, etc.
20. No member can take photographs or movies for personal profit or gain.
21. No firearms of any kind will be carried on the Ranch.
22. All members drive on the beach at their own risk. If assistance is needed from the Ranch, a charge will be made.
23. Maximum speed limit on all roads 15 MPH, or as posted.
24. No careless driving or speeding on the beach.
25. No littering anywhere on Hollister Ranch.
26. The breaking of any of these By-laws by a member will constitute just reason for expulsion. Accused member will have an opportunity for hearing before the Board of Directors prior to Punitive Actions. Such Actions shall require a two-thirds vote of the Board of Directors.
[Top photo of Santa Barbara County Surf Club member Renny Yater, at the Ranch, by John Severson]