Bill Hamilton, from "Pacific Vibrations"Credits: John SeversonEncyclopedia of SurfingHamilton, BillSeverson, JohnSwell of 1969History of SurfingNo ContestInterviewsBill HamiltonFeaturesHAPPY BIRTHDAY TO STYLE SAVIOR BILLY HAMILTONOLE! BILLY HAMILTON SLAYS WITH HIS MIGHTY SWORD OF STYLE!The Sunday JointSUNDAY JOINT, 1-9-2022: EVE BABITZ, FIVE SUMMER STORIES, BILLY HAMILTONVideos"And a Carrot Smoothie," Scene from Pacific VibrationsBill Hamilton, 1967Bill Hamilton, El Torero, 1968Bill Hamilton, Jesus of CoolJock Sutherland, scenes from 'Pacific Vibrations'MoreContests1967 SURFER Poll Awards1968 Duke Kahanamoku Surfing Classic1969 SURFER Poll Awards1971 Duke Kahanamoku Surfing Classic1971 Smirnoff Pro-AmMore