2005 Pipeline Masters, from "Highwater"Credits: Dana BrownVideos1979 Pipeline Masters1982 Pipeline MastersCarroll vs Ho, 1991 Pipeline MastersIrons vs Slater, 2003 Pipeline MastersJoey Buran Wins 1984 Pipeline MastersMoreEncyclopedia of SurfingBrown, DanaPipelinePipeline MastersHistory of SurfingThe Impossible WaveFeaturesPIPE MASTERS CREATOR FRED HEMMINGS: "I WANTED TO DEVELOP SOMETHING FOR THE AVERAGE SCHMUCK IN MIDDLE AMERICA"PIPELINE MASTERS: THE EARLY YEARSSHOWDOWN AT THE PIPELINE MASTERS: AN ILLUSTRATED HISTORYThe Sunday JointSUNDAY JOINT, 11-25-2018: LARRY BLAIR, PINK ZINKA, SHAKESPEARESUNDAY JOINT, 5-17-2020: MIKE ARMSTRONG, PIPELINE MASTERS, LARRY BLAIRContests1971 Pipeline Masters1972 Pipeline Masters1973 Pipeline Masters1974 Pipeline Masters1975 Pipeline MastersMore