Beach Boys, The
This unfinished page contains text from either the 2003 or 2005 print version of Encyclopedia of Surfing. An updated version, with more photos, is coming soon.
Wildly popular vocal-rock group from Los Angeles, California, led by songwriting savant Brian Wilson; acclaimed for their soaring melodies and lush, intricately harmonized vocals, and best known for a string of early and mid-1960s hits about surfing and the sun-filled Southern California beach life. "The Beach Boys," Rolling Stone magazine wrote, "virtually invented California rock." The band's o...
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Beach Boys, 1961 studio sessionSubscribe to view
Beach BoysSubscribe to view
"Endless Summer" LP cover (1974)Subscribe to view
Beach Boys' drummer Dennis Wilson, stomping between takesSubscribe to view
The Beach BoysSubscribe to view
Brian Wilson, 1976. Photo: Ed Perlstein. Subscribe to view

Beach Boys, 1961 studio session

Beach Boys

"Endless Summer" LP cover (1974)

Beach Boys' drummer Dennis Wilson, stomping between takes

The Beach Boys

Brian Wilson, 1976. Photo: Ed Perlstein.