head dip
A flashy old-fashioned maneuver, more theatrical than useful, where the surfer holds a tight angle near the crest and lowers his head. Usually performed in small waves. As done in the golden age of hotdogging—from the late-'50s to the mid-'60s—the head was tilted horizontally or completely inverted, and sometimes "dipped" into the breaking wave; for an add-on bit of flair, the arms could be raised...
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Ode to the Head DipSubscribe to view
Mickey Munoz, "quasimoto" head dip. Photo: John SeversonSubscribe to view
Head dip, Waikiki, 1960. Photo: John SevesonSubscribe to view
Pete Chatto, San Diego, 1962. Photo: Brad BarrettSubscribe to view
Wayne Lynch, Bells, 1967. Photo: Barrie SutherlandSubscribe to view
Head dip, Santa Cruz, around 1960. Photo: John SeversonSubscribe to view

Ode to the Head Dip

Mickey Munoz, "quasimoto" head dip. Photo: John Severson

Head dip, Waikiki, 1960. Photo: John Seveson

Pete Chatto, San Diego, 1962. Photo: Brad Barrett

Wayne Lynch, Bells, 1967. Photo: Barrie Sutherland

Head dip, Santa Cruz, around 1960. Photo: John Severson