Riddle, J
Good-looking, media-savvy regularfoot surfer from Santa Monica, California; a dominating presence at Malibu from the late '60s to the late '80s; cofounder in 1967 of Natural Progression Surfboards. The summer of 1970 was a high point in J Riddle's surfing life, as the 20-year-old was simultaneously on the covers of Surfer and Surfing magazines, and starred in Cosmic Children, Hal Jepsen's first an...
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J RiddleSubscribe to view
J Riddle, 1970Subscribe to view
J Riddle, 1977. Photo: Dan MerkelSubscribe to view
J Riddle, the Ranch, 1969. Photo: Harold WardSubscribe to view
J Riddle, surf-double Jan-Michael Vincent in Big Wednesday. Photo: Dan MerkelSubscribe to view
J Riddle, 1968. Photo: Rich WilkenSubscribe to view

J Riddle

J Riddle, 1970

J Riddle, 1977. Photo: Dan Merkel

J Riddle, the Ranch, 1969. Photo: Harold Ward

J Riddle, surf-double Jan-Michael Vincent in Big Wednesday. Photo: Dan Merkel

J Riddle, 1968. Photo: Rich Wilken