"Wipe Out"
The world's best-known surf song, containing the world's best-known drum solo, was recorded in December 1962 by the Surfaris, a four-month-old band from Glendora, California, made up of three 15-year-old guitarists and a 17-year-old drummer. The maniacal laugh that opens the song was provided by the band's manager. The drum solo is said to have been copied directly from a roll used by a local high...
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The Surfaris, "Wipeout" EP coverSubscribe to view
The Surfaris LP coverSubscribe to view
The SurfarisSubscribe to view
"Wipe Out" single, 1963Subscribe to view

The Surfaris, "Wipeout" EP cover

The Surfaris LP cover

The Surfaris

"Wipe Out" single, 1963