Chapter: 5
Barefoot Revolution
- Revolution is not a Dinner Party
- The Tao of George
- Getting Slippery with Bob McTavish
- Bismarck with a Tan
- Plastic Machine
- Enlightenment at Honolua Bay
- Panic on the Showroom Floor
- Style Takes a Dive
- Everybody Must Get Stoned
- Surfer Goes Electrical Bananas
- No Contest
- There Will be Slaps
- Kook Straps, Cadillacs, and Sex Wax
- Blame it on the Boogie
- Country Soul
- Higher and Brighter with Alby Falzon
- Fresh Blood on the Newsstand
- Long Road to Bells Beach
- Speed Freaks
- Gods of Thunder
- The Impossible Wave
- Into the Vortex
- Gerry Lopez, Pipeline Firewalker
- The Rubberman Cometh
Fresh Blood on the Newsstand

Detail from Tracks cover, 1970

Witzig (left) and Falzon, Tracks office, early '70s

Tracks cover, 1974
Tracks had lots of surf shots, but just as many photos of smiling hippie kids, bare-breasted girlfriends, senior citizens, and sundry farm animals.
Tracks magazine, an oversized Sydney-made newsprint monthly, made its debut in 1970, and was very much of a piece with Morning of the Earth. Before Tracks, Aussie surf publishing had been a cheaper, traced-over version of Surfer. Everybody knew what a surf magazine was supposed to look like: an interview, a travel piece, a contest feature, a how-to column, and lots of action photography. Even the ...
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