"You Asked For It," surfing at Makaha (1955)Credits: Does not applyEncyclopedia of SurfingHoffman, WalterJames, Dr. DonMakahatelevision and surfingHistory of SurfingEnter MakahaPoint Surf '58Rocket to MakahaInterviewsDon JamesFeatures"BAND OF CALIFORNIANS HERE TO RIDE 20-FOOT MAKAHA" BY SARAH PARK, HONOLULU STAR-BULLETIN (1954)JOHN LIND AND THE ORIGINS OF THE MAKAHA INTERNATIONAL SURFING CHAMPIONSHIPSThe Sunday JointSUNDAY JOINT, 1-26-2020: MAKAHA CONTEST, CONRAD CANHA, JOHN LINDSUNDAY JOINT, 2-18-2024: YOU ASKED FOR IT!SUNDAY JOINT, 2-2-2020: MAKAHA INTERNATIONAL SURFING CHAMPIONSHIPS, 1963 - 1974Videos1955 Makaha International Surfing ChampionshipsEarly Days at Makaha, from "Riding Giants"Contests1954 Makaha International Surfing Championships1955 Makaha International Surfing Championships1956 Makaha International Surfing Championships