Chapter: 2
Gliding Return
- A Fine Little Revival
- Jack London Loves Purple
- California: The New Frontier
- Beachboy Life
- Duke Kahanamoku
- Surf Shooting Down Under
- The Bronzed Islander Shows How
- Surfing in the Jazz Age
- Tom Blake Redesigns the Sport
- What Depression?
- When Clubbies Ruled Australia
- Surfboard as Woodcraft
- Palos Verdes Surfing Club
- San Onofre: the Nearest Faraway Place
- Riding the Hot Curl
- Enter Makaha
- Death at Waimea
- The Overwhelming North Shore
Duke Kahanamoku

Duke Kahanamoku, 1927

Duke Kahanamoku, 1922

Trophy case, 1912

"Island of Sunken Gold," 1927

He was tall and broad-shouldered, with high cheekbones, and a radiant smile—“the most magnificent human male God ever put on earth,” as one admirer put it. Surfing would have caught on without Duke. But not as quickly, and not with the same opening bolt of style and élan.
Despite the vaudevillian nature of the beachboys, Waikiki was often referred to as “Society’s winter paradise.” Early Hawaii Tourist Bureau brochures didn’t just describe the islands’ dancing waters and shimmering rainbows and gleaming coral sands. They also gave assurances that visitors were of the right sort—“Cosmopolites lured from the far reaches of the earth”—and that tennis, golf, tea, and b...
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