Chapter: 5
Barefoot Revolution
- Revolution is not a Dinner Party
- The Tao of George
- Getting Slippery with Bob McTavish
- Bismarck with a Tan
- Plastic Machine
- Enlightenment at Honolua Bay
- Panic on the Showroom Floor
- Style Takes a Dive
- Everybody Must Get Stoned
- Surfer Goes Electrical Bananas
- No Contest
- There Will be Slaps
- Kook Straps, Cadillacs, and Sex Wax
- Blame it on the Boogie
- Country Soul
- Higher and Brighter with Alby Falzon
- Fresh Blood on the Newsstand
- Long Road to Bells Beach
- Speed Freaks
- Gods of Thunder
- The Impossible Wave
- Into the Vortex
- Gerry Lopez, Pipeline Firewalker
- The Rubberman Cometh
The Tao of George

George Greenough. Photo: John Witzig

Greenough. Photo: Alby Falzon

Rincon. Photo: Joe Quigg

George Greenough, 1966

George Greenough. Photo: Alby Falzon
By the end of 1965, Greenough was riding like a visitor from ten years in surfing's future. He did turns where his board tilted up 90 degrees, laid down figure-eight cutbacks, and spent more time in the tube—or “the green room,” in the going lingo— than the top 100 surfers in the world combined.
Near the beginning of Endless Summer, a Santa Barbara kneeboarder named George Greenough rides one of the finest-looking waves in the picture—a small but incredibly long peeler at a break called Sandspit. Filmmaker Bruce Brown offered the wave as a kind of novelty (“a short board and a long ride”) and moved on. Brown didn’t know it at the time, but what he'd captured at Sandspit was the shortboard...
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