Chapter: 4
Ten-Year Boom
- Gidget the All-Powerful
- The Rebel Next Door
- Hobie vs Velzy vs the IRS
- Better Surfing Through Chemistry
- Summer on the Inside
- Surf Fashion, Lightly Salted
- Surfing the Newsstand
- Process of Elimination
- Oil City Showdown
- The Jazz Stylings of Phil Edwards
- Technicolor Surf Boom
- Heroes and Villains
- Blackball Blues
- Dick Dale, Destroyer of Amps
- Surfing in Five-Part Harmony
- Tokyo to Tel Aviv
- Flight of the Larrikin
- Bob Evans Means Business
- Midget Wins It All
- But Will it Play in New York?
- Houses of the Holy
- We Own the Sidewalks
- Beautiful from any Angle
- Duke's Big Contest
- Can You Handle the Penetrator?
- Girls, Don't Panic!
- David Nuuhiwa Walks on Water
- An Invincible Summer
David Nuuhiwa Walks on Water

David Nuuhiwa. Photo: Ron Stoner

David Nuuhiwa, 1965. Photo: Stoner

Paul Strauch. Photo: John Severson

Mike Doyle

Lance Carson. Photo: Grant Rohloff
By late 1965, David Nuuhiwa was practically levitating over the American surf scene. He was smooth to a point where he made other top surfers look as if they were riding over gravel. He was also dark and quiet, with Miles-Davis-strength cool.
Surfer magazine ran a feature in 1965 titled “Phil Edwards Picks the Top Ten Noseriders.” Heading the list was a 17-year-old goofyfooter with a last name that the surf world was still stumbling over—David Nuuhiwa. The Hawaiian pronunciation was something close to “Newee-He-Wa.” To kids on the beach it was either “New-Way-Va” or “New-Whee-Va.” Edwards’ list was a who’s-who of high performance surf...
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